Claudia's lecture at the end of the quarter is like a very nice "review" of the concepts we covered in this class.  She mentioned a concept that is foreign yet exciting to me, Liminal Space. It was originally a tribal term, which is used to describe the transitional period from childhood to adulthood. It is regarded as a stage that is not closely tied to the inherent order, giving people free space to explore. The stage of art and science collaboration is exactly at this Liminal Space. People are still exploring the best structure to conduct the works, the model, the inspiration to heat up the process. The term is also highly connected to me since I'm in a Liminal Space as well. I'm about to enter graduate school and my brain is full of chaotic ideas which are waiting to be transformed into a mature form.
UNICORN, treats children with ADHD

     I'm fascinated by Claudia's introduction of Lucy McRae's work " Institute of Isolation." She did not simply emphasize how art and science are combined concretely, but to envision the future of science using an art media. She shot a few short films about what life could be if human were genetically engineered, if environment were endangered, or if artificial intelligence were mature enough. She didn't enforce a judgement but to put herself into the situation ( and she actually acted in several of the films). Another touching part of her film is that she showed that how the development of art and science could take care of the "minority group. " She didn't define minority group as black, asian, hispanic, etc. Rather, she looked at minority group as people who are afraid of physically touch, who inherently has bad smell, etc. She envisioned embracing machine, swallowable perfume to deal with the issues. This part impressed me so much since I feel like the true progress of civilization is not how much economic growth art and science bring to us; rather, it should be how much human beings are willing to embrace and accept the minor differences among people.
institute of isolation 

     A more practical message I got from Claudia's lecture is quite related to my friend. She studies plasma science and she's going to work at CERN very soon. She truly loves art and wants to be an artist as well. However, the two directions seem like extremely deviate from each other. In fact, the issue would no long be an issue. From the lecture, I learned that a lot of art-sci collaborative works are conducted at CERN and my friend could absolutely do such works due to the amazing platform.
swallowable perfume 

      Claudia's lecture is truly inspiring and introduces the most recent progress in terms of art-sci collaborations. More importantly, this field is being cherished and produces significant works in the recent years.


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